Saturday, February 15, 2014

Candy, Cake, and Diet Coke

Today our kids were FANTASTIC that may have been mostly because I mentioned the word "Party" which my kids live for. Today's party was to celebrate one of our little oncology friends finishing chemotherapy! Wooohooo! It was one of the coolest parties we've been to which included mass amounts of candy, cake which if you walked away from for a brief second and a certain someones 2 year old stole your spot and was mowing down I apologize (not naming names but she's ours), balloon animals, and face painting. Ohhh and this little girl's dad happens to be a dentist, totally blaming my kids first cavities on this party!!!

Jillian did managed to stand in line for a half an hour to get her face painted. She is not one for waiting but she had her heart set on a rainbow. I know need to learn how to do face painting because her next birthday party, I'm doing it!! 

(and I totally instagramed my husband because he secretly loves it!)

This is a BIG BIG BIG accomplishment for our family, like maybe just maybe we can make another public appearance soon outside of church. Watch out world, The "insert insanely cool last name" may be coming to your party next!!!

My kids are "those kids", you know what I'm talking about. The ones that beg for every piece of candy their little blue eyes see. The ones that are sobbing their faces off in the target parking lot because you just gave them a time out before you even made it in the store. They will in fact throw a massive tantrum because you will not let them run wild in the store and you chuck m&m's at them because you're desperate to just get OUT. When you have the luxury of being in the store with us when we are shopping (which isn't often) you can hear me repeating "Watch out", "Come back here", "That lady is not afraid to run you over", "No we can't have that", over and over and OVER again. I actually never bring more than one kid with me because by the end of it I have mascara running down my face, sweat dripping, and I vow to NEVER do that again and that was BEFORE we had Kate. I put grocery shopping with my kids and banging my head against the wall in the same category. It pretty much works out to be just as painful.
We salute all parents with hoards of kids that can make it through the grocery store 
with more grace than we can!!!
I also take 2 hours to grocery shop when I go by myself, 20 of that is actual shopping the rest of it is spent just walking at a ridiculously slow pace to enjoy the peace and quiet (shhhh don't tell my husband). 

I did bring Jill with me to family fare tonight. Every 3 months we bring back pop cans and she LOVES it. I was actually impressed she managed to do 86 cans compared to my 136, not that we had that many or anything. Please please pretend you didn't add up the amount of money that equals. I also really recommend drinking as much pop as you can just so you can experience the pure joy a 4 year old has while returning them. It is EPIC! And yes for the record she did get candy on our way out. How could we not, Valentines candy was 50% off SCORE!
If we haven't established this. My name is Ashley and I'm a dietcokeaholic. Hold your aspartame spheal. I've read it, my sister and dad are recovering addicts but me, I'm going strong and am convinced it's the only reason I'm a functioning member of society still. <3 <3 <3

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