Friday, February 21, 2014


What's grosser than gross?
Answer : Eye Balls
What's grosser than that?
Answer : Having to put eye ointment near my sweet Mallory's eyeball.

Hello Pink Eye, this is a new adventure for us.

We've done eye drops, ear drops, heck we've even given Mallory shots in her legs daily after she did rounds of chemo but something about eyeballs and rubbing an ointment near them is what grosses me out the most.

Jillian had eye surgery at 16 months old, we did glasses, eye patching, and then eventually ended up with her having surgery to correct her lazy eye (she won the jackpot in vision on top of the lazy eye she has astigmatism and near sighted vision both of which will end her up in glasses eventually again). You should really youtube "strabismus surgery", we couldn't get past the first few seconds of that. Eyeballs = gross. <*can't believe we did that to our kid*>

My husband and I both wear eyeball protectors (lets hope this phrase takes off!). Our entire family wears glasses except my little brother. We're just an awesome nerdy family like that. If the Zombie apocalypse happened and someone broke our glasses, we'd be done for.

I haven't really had a ton of time to update this like I envisioned but I'm sure with time and when Miss Kate is consistently in bed for the night I'll get better but I've been throwing down ideas, little stories, and thoughts. Currently I'm rocking a bath robe over my pajamas, AWESOME hair (like Medusa awesome), and I probably smell but priorities ha. On top of pink eye, Miss Spunky Jillian is rocking a fever, cough, and some major blah's right now. I'm going on about a week or more of broken sleep that equals a crazy Ashley.

This is something that is ROUGH for me, I am not a graceful person when I do not get enough sleep. The problem with this is I am also an insomniac. I've got one of those really cool brains that NEVER shuts off. I've done therapy and they attempted to give me a bunch of suggestions but I've never had success. Even sleep deprived with an 8 week old, here I am, sucking at sleep. Praying for sleep. Oh Lord give me sleep. Then 2 out of 3 of my kids get sick (not the baby *knock on wood*) so the truth is I'm not sure when I'll get a full night and my mental health tends to suffer a lot. I opened my heart when Mallory was sick and suffered a huge mental breakdown after 7 months of severe sleep deprivation. I have to remind myself I am human, not super mom, and sometimes I just have ask for help. I'm not there yet to a complete mental breakdown but I also know I don't want to EVER get back there.

Mathew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
So I am praying for rest, for the healing of my children, and for strength right now. Please pray for me.

Thank you for listening, I love my life even if I have to put eye ointment on my kids eyeball which is totally gross if you didn't catch on to that.

PS: my SD card is full on my tablet and I'm too lazy to upload real pictures because I really should get to that shower now so you'll just have to wait to see pictures of my cute kids for a later day.

1 comment:

  1. You are such an awesome sure didnt get that from me!!!! Love u
