my day went a lot like this....
which is totally fine to have days like these. A lot of a little crazy. but I AM EXHAUSTED (this exhaustion seeps in once a week lately and I need a break and some quiet so I can relax and not feel so overwhelmed) so I sent the husband and the girls on their way to Grandma & Grandpa's. I put them in clean pajamas, coats, and boots and scooted those adorable knuckle heads out the door as fast as possible and now I'm off to sleep but first I did write this in my spare time between that Kate up there and between Mal & Jill so enjoy. This was bound to make an appearance at some point on here, might as well get this out of the way now....
I've gotten really good at keeping my house in order lately. To the point where I feel a little guilty I spent so many days of Kate's pregnancy sitting on the couch eating sweet tarts by the truck load and not even caring if we ate mac n cheese for the 3rd day in a row. Lately I've been AMAZING, all except one tiny thing.
Laundry. (OHHH YES the great Ashley laundry rant, I know you probably didn't expect it this soon into my blogging career but here it is my friends.)
People that actually like doing laundry, I'd like to know what your secret is? I've had a laundry intervention before (Thanks for trying Kari but I still haven't figured it out!). I just can't do it daily. I'll start on Monday where I promise myself that I will fold every load that comes out of the dryer, by Tuesday I've forgotten about my pact.
And do people really sort whites, darks and lights? Cause I just stuff as much crap as I can fit in those machines. We don't have high efficency machines, maybe that's the problem. Nahhh, I still wouldn't do it. The only way I'd do laundry is if they could make a machine that was smart enough to fold the laundry after it finished drying, then I'd be excited.
Don't tell my girls the first task I can hand over when they get bigger is folding. I am happy to wash it, dry it, but the thought of folding actually makes me want to burn it and start all over. I am guilty of thinking this every time I step foot in that room.
Our basket of laundry is so full I have resorted to just throwing it down the stairs hoping that it will walk it's self to the machines. It doesn't. Nope never has.
I will not post a picture of my laundry room (you can beg all you want, ain't happenin'). It's ridiculous. We have a red painted cement floor, sea foam green walls, and laundry EVERYWHERE. Maybe if we re-did it I'd like it but probably not enough to do the laundry (I can see you Ryan! Rolling your eyes at your crazy wife).
I just can't get it together. So yes back to your secrets about laundry does it involve fire? If not, it probably won't fix my problem.
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